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Why I love seeing dads in my yoga classes

Family Yoga is a space that truly lights me up, with children and caregivers engaging and connecting in ways they may not have before but what I really love seeing is Dads on the mats with their kids but I have such conflicting thoughts and you may be surprised to hear why

This week in many of the early learning centres that I teach in, Dad's were invited to spend some time with their children and I was lucky enough to facilitate yoga sessions for the children and dads to share

At first there is a little uncertainty around the room but as I start to set the space and the children greet me and come to the mat, I see the Dad's witness a shift in their little ones and a sense of curiosity building in the dads. Many of them sharing that they have never tried yoga before. As the group comes together, the lights are dimmed and calming music is playing to set a space for us all to relax and have some fun together

After about 30 minutes I see a sense of ease and joy around the room, the Dad's take a sigh of relief and hold their kids closer, looking to other dads and granddads feeling surprisingly relaxed and surprised at what just unfolded. There has been so many giggles, children witnessing their dads (their role models) trying something new and learning some simple things to take home and practice together. Most of all, they have had a chance to slow down and connect as a group, as Dad's and as men showing up for their families and community.

Dad's really love these opportunities and I know that often* they are the one's at work and don't always get the chance to take the time out to be present like this. They often share that they don't want to go back to work and feel pressure and stress again, and that they really enjoyed the permission slip to slow down and connect with their kids. I also often hear from Dad and parents in general that they don't always know how to connect and let their inner child out which is beautful thing for me to support them with.

So here are my conflicts

Everytime I witness these experiences, my heart feels like it will burst with joy and gratitude. It gives me so much hope for future generations but at the same time it makes me sad that society's structure and focus has pulled us away from what is most important and created these stigmas and misconceptions about yoga and what it means to be present and prioritise our true selves and wellbeing.

Seeing Dad's on the yoga mat with children is a huge step in the right direction for humanity, and a huge asset to our children, in particular our boys who have come to believe that yoga is "weak' "for girls' and "too easy". These false ideas have pushed these essential life skills away from many who are desperately looking for support and ways to cope in our modern world and it is my biggest wish and goal to flip that switch and open this powerful doorway towards a happier, healthier and more connected society at large

This Fathers Day, I hope that I have made an impact and opened that doorway for some of you.

I believe as a society we are starting to understand what is really important and we are starting to see where we can truly reconnect and prioritise our wellbeing with simple practices and opportunites to slow down and live a life that is so much more fulfilling

Wishing all of the Dads, Grandads, Step Dad's and Father figures a very happy Fathers Day

May you lead the way towards a happier, healthier and more connected society as role models and advocates to help me to do this important work to share these life changing and supportive practices of yoga and mindfulness with the world

  • practice yoga breathing with your family

  • encourage others to give yoga a try

  • create mindful moments in your day and routine

  • advocate and share about your experiences

  • go to family yoga sessions

  • talk about yoga and mindfulness with your family

  • prioritise time outdoors connecting with nature

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